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Lump on penis: 5 possible causes and how to treat the problem

If you noticed that you have a lump on your penis, you need to be concerned. While it may be nothing, it is also an indication of illnesses that will affect your sex life.

The symptom is related to several conditions and needs to be analyzed by a urologist. The problem may be related to an STI, cancer or Peyronie’s disease – which also leaves the penis crooked, reduced and/or thinned.

Look for a doctor and, while waiting for the day of your appointment, come and find out about what this change may represent – but without anxiety, okay?!

Is a lump on the penis serious?

It is only possible to know the severity of a symptom such as a lump in the penis when a doctor examines it and confirms a diagnosis.

We know that culturally men attend doctors’ offices less often than women, and that a symptom like this can cause some embarrassment. However, it is essential to seek medical help, preferably a urologist, as soon as the lump appears, because, in some cases, it can indeed be a sign of a serious illness.

What can be a lump on the penis?

Pearly papules

Although it is not a disease and does not require medical attention, the so-called pearly papules can make a number of men uncomfortable with the aesthetics of their penis.

The pearly papules are actually the Tyson’s glands, which, in some men, become more protuberant. In these cases, the glands resemble pimples, as they have a whitish tip.

Tyson’s glands are located around the glans, under the foreskin (which is why they are also called preputial glands). They have the function of secreting substances that protect the glans and lubricate the penis.

When the penis is erect, if you look carefully, you will notice small white circles between the glans and the foreskin. If they are too big, there are treatments to improve aesthetics, such as cryotherapy, shaving, ablation, among others, which should only be performed with medical recommendation.

The important thing is that the man does not try to eliminate them on his own, as non-professional techniques can infect the area.


Lately there has been a lot of talk about human papillomavirus (HPV), an STI that, depending on the type of virus, increases the chances of penile and anal cancer in men. One of the main warning signs for the disease is the formation of genital warts (condyloma acuminata) – although the symptom is not always present.

This STI, in addition to infecting the skin and mucous membranes, causes the appearance of warts on the genitals, anus and mouth. Lesions often cluster together, forming plaques that resemble cauliflower in appearance. Therefore, they are popularly called rooster crest.

HPV is one of the most common STIs on record. The search HIM – Human Papillomavirus Infection in Men”, published in the scientific journal of the Brazilian Society of Infectology Brazilian Journal of Infectious Disease”, showed that 72% of Brazilian men between 18 and 73 years old were infected with HPV during the study.

There is no effective treatment against HPV. Warts can be removed with a few procedures, and most infections heal on their own after a while. Therefore, the best choice is to avoid contagion by the disease by using protection in all sexual relations and vaccinating against the virus.


Transmitted through sexual intercourse, genital herpes caused by the Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a high-incidence STI.

The symptoms of genital herpes usually appear between 10 and 15 days after the man’s contact with the virus. Small lumps form on the penis, which may extend into the anal area. In some cases, the penile lump is preceded by pain, itching and tingling. General malaise, fever and muscle pain are part of the set of symptoms.

The disease has no cure, as the virus is not eliminated. It lies dormant and is reactivated when the immune system is compromised.

Treatment is carried out with the help of antiviral drugs. In healthy individuals, the lesions regress within a few days, even without treatment. In immunosuppressed people, however, they can group together, fill with fluid and break, creating a scar.

Penile cancer

The main cause of limb amputations in the country may also be responsible for the appearance of lumps in the penis.

The disease often starts with redness on the penis. In the sequence, wounds that do not heal and nodules may appear in the affected region. The area can also have its thickness and color changed.

Penile cancer  is easily avoidable with good hygiene habits. Washing the region between the glans and the foreskin with soap and water, avoiding the formation of smegma, is the best way to prevent the disease. In addition, avoiding smoking and having sex without a condom contribute to prevention. If you have had the foreskin removed (postectomy) previously, the chances of developing the condition decrease.

The disease should worry men because, in severe cases, it can lead to death. When treatable, it is necessary to go through the uncomfortable procedures that involve cases of cancer, such as surgery – which can remove part or all of the patient’s penis -, chemo and radiotherapy.

Peyronie’s disease

A lumpy penis could be a sign of Peyronie’s Disease. According to the Brazilian Society of Urology of São Paulo (SBUSP), 10% of men are affected by the disease, especially those who are already in their 40s.

This symptom is present due to fibrosis formation that occur inside the penis. Fibrosis is cicatricial plaques that originate from trauma, microtrauma and/or fractures in the limb.

Sometimes, a wrong movement at the crucial time is enough to cause fibrosis; in other cases, small traumas accumulated throughout life can lead to plaque.

Men with diabetes are more likely to develop the disease, as are those who suffer from erectile dysfunction.

In Peyronie’s Disease, the lump on the penis can be noticed by the man with a self-exam. With the penis flaccid and tractioned, just feel it in search of thicker tissues. Now with the member erect, it is possible to press it to verify the existence of deformities.

You may also notice that something is not right with your penis when your sex life starts to suffer. Pain during erection, loss of rigidity, difficulty or impossibility to penetrate the partner, short movements and frequent escape from the penis are also signs of Peyronie’s Disease.

How to treat a lump on the penis?

As you can see throughout this blog, there are many conditions that favor the appearance of lumps on the penis. Some are not even considered diseases, others have no cure, and there are still illnesses that need individualized treatment. This is the case with Peyronie’s Disease.

To treat Peyronie’s, it is necessary to understand the disease stage of the man.

In the initial or inflammatory phase, the most adopted line of treatment is clinical, with the use of medications such as sildenafil and tadalafil, or alprostadil-based injections applied directly to the penis just before intercourse.

When clinical treatment does not generate a good response to a man’s sex life, he will probably need a surgical intervention.

The procedure aims to reconstruct the penis, correcting tortuosity, shortening and thinning that may exist, from geometric incisions for the expansion of the affected tissues, in addition to inserting a penile prosthesis. The implant is essential to return penile firmness, allowing easier penetration and avoiding further trauma.

To learn more about surgical treatment for Peyronie’s Disease, contact us. We are at your disposal to help you get rid of annoying lumps in the penis, improve the appearance of the limb and restore your sex life quality.


Paulo Egydio, M.D.

PhD in Urology from USP, CRM 67482-SP, RQE 19514, Author of Geometric Principles (known as “Egydio Technique”), as well as other articles and scientific books in the area. Guest professor to teach classes and live surgeries at conferences in Brazil and abroad.